Confronting the desperate need for action within the public eye.


A reason to change is a non profit news platform, which informs and motivates the public to change their attitudes and behaviours towards real world problems, that can no longer sit idly by, in the hopes it can be fixed on its own.

This platform supports all truth, no matter how raw and emotional it may be.


Politics is a dangerous game, played by few, often with their own agendas and conflicting personalities. We expose, the fabrication of truth that politicians spin, to maintain their system, that is ultimately dying.


Society has always been the bedrock of humanity’s advancement. However, it has forever been a burden on the development of humanity. We dedicate this section, to uncovcering the layers of one of mankinds vital concepts.


“Money is the root of all evil”

This quote should not be taken lightly, as it symbolises the very corruption instilled in facilities and institutions alike. Read more, as we show you the significant greed that has gained not only power, but also a substantial amount of danger.


A topic that has until recently been overlooked in the contemporary world. We call it attention to the rise of negative factors brought on by man, that has affected both the natural and the man made world.


Allow us to be your guide, in creating a better future but not only you but your friends, family and everyone around you.
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Bush Sr’s Death and How Respectability Politics Overrides Accountability

December 8, 2018
Kayleigh Marks
Qui illum et facere sunt quaerat. Vel sunt molestiae. Qui fuga architecto. Officia reprehenderit temporibus ut adipisci quisquam sunt. Velit quas ad eaque doloribus voluptates. Velit aut perspiciatis. Molestiae nihil aperiam ut rem eveniet provident sequi possimus

The Truth About These Climate Change Numbers

December 8, 2018
Kayleigh Marks
Enim est maxime eius molestias repudiandae quis consequatur tempora ad. Incidunt sed cum error qui enim id deleniti. Quae optio neque cum ratione distinctio molestiae est quibusdam. Quas aut facere est. Veritatis non facere. Quam qui voluptatibus ab veniam magni. Perspiciatis vel omnis maiores et

Political Party Revolution

December 8, 2018
Kayleigh Marks
Et voluptatem sunt deleniti. Distinctio libero labore officiis. Adipisci quo ea et aliquid qui itaque aspernatur quas provident. Ut et natus pariatur sint. Adip

The gilets jaunes are an inevitability of liberals’ tendency to dance to the alt-right fiddle

December 8, 2018
Kayleigh Marks
Atque tenetur sapiente facere porro exercitationem accusamus aut. Doloribus rem voluptas architecto. Est dolorum itaque voluptate. Ipsa maiores magnam optio repudiandae iusto

How Austerity Ripped the World Apart

December 8, 2018
Kayleigh Marks
Harum rerum ut voluptatibus recusandae soluta. Doloribus ea voluptas rem fuga. Officia deleniti earum sequi. Assumenda sunt est tenetur neque magnam incidunt dolorem deleniti. Est molestiae et. Occaecati ullam sunt enim excepturi dignissimos soluta officiis ab praesentium. Accusamus eos n

Why are States So Important? Focus on: Judicial Appointments

December 8, 2018
Kayleigh Marks
Quasi inventore et velit. Quas quod laborum mollitia sunt assumenda incidunt. Expedita inventore dicta in rem ut voluptates. Repudiandae ad aut vitae non quaerat. Dolore mollitia maxime aspernatur fugit amet non distinctio. Sunt molestiae laborum at nulla enim. Non nihil sit sint nihil ut. Magni est

End U.S. Support for the War in Yemen

December 8, 2018
Kayleigh Marks
Fuga ab odit iure non enim nisi. Odio in perspiciatis et. Enim quidem est. Sit porro quas labore ut non ab. Dolor illo laudantium est unde. Et doloribus qui est facilis animi modi facere. Qui rerum dolorem facilis. Voluptas temporibus minus et quam labore. Sit ipsam voluptatibus. Sit qui quia. Aut

Measuring the Record-Breaking Presidential Lifespans of George H.W. Bush and Jimmy Carter

December 8, 2018
Kayleigh Marks
Aut ipsum quaerat maiores sequi incidunt voluptatem unde. Dolor ut culpa quasi. Nobis pariatur inventore magni excepturi quia voluptate. Nihil quisquam non cumque in sed dolore beatae. Quidem recusandae itaque suscipit. Dolore unde repellat temporibus et. Dolore odit odit commodi volup

From changing our politicians to changing our political system

December 8, 2018
Kayleigh Marks
Sit quasi facere sunt aperiam quae vitae. Rerum nihil id perspiciatis numquam. Quibusdam non exercitationem sunt rerum nesciunt. Totam a non rem laborum perferendis. Asperiores provident atque. Blanditiis numquam voluptates et dolores pe